Conditions: Damp but nice
Tha Thang: 20 of Columbia’s finest dads and 2.0s showed up for the 2nd edition of this summers F3 Dads workout. Fun was had by all, and some lawn clippings.
Mosey to COP. SSH, Merkins, Squats. Split into teams. Remember, winning has its privileges! Winners of each competition did 3 burpees, losers did 5 burpees.
Crabwalk/Bear Crawl soccer- Just what it sounds like. Only 1 kid took a screamer to the face. It got better. Play on!
Waterbucket relay race- Just what it sounds like.
Tunnel of Love race – #crowdpleaser. Trying to fit Froman under a 2 year olds bridge….good times!
Leapfrog race – Who else took multiple kicks to the head?
Animal race to the finish – Victory for Spot2! Everybody else did burpees.
Announcements: Pinkman on Q next week for F3 Dads. Crazy Train starting Monday. Donuts are awesome!
BOM (and young women)
Doughnut holes!!! T-Claps to Froman.