• When: 2018-08-31
  • QIC: Billy Bob
  • The PAX: Subprime, Huffy, Promo, Welcome Week, Drive By, Cesspool, Traitor, Borat, Stents, Lugnut, Shocker, Fannie, Biggy Smalls, Where's The Beef, Betamax, Clamdigger, Bundy, Billy Bob.

First Friday Football Ramble

The eve of Saturday college football was upon us so to celebrate, YHC got creative and came up with a fun, fast route. 18 PAX posted, most in their school colors, and dominated the “F stands for football” (or whatever else you want it to be) course! Here’s how it went:

Conditions: 75, clear and drenching. (please hurry up football weather).

The Thang:

Take off down Devine St.

Right on Amherst Ave.

Right on Blossom St.

Left on Maple St.

Left on Wheat St.

Right on Shandon St.

Right on Duncan St.

Left on Maple St.

Right on Rosewood Dr.

Right on Woodrow St.



Moleskin: This was YHC’s first time posting at Ramble, other than the Runvergence held earlier this year. I fully expected to bring up the rear as Ramble PAX are known for their speed. Unsurprisingly, YHC was the 6, but did so with the company of Cesspool, and ended up with a PR. So, here’s an observation: Surround yourself with people who are better than you. The odd’s are that you will get better too. Thanks Cess, for pulling YHC along behind you!

Aye! BB