• When: 2018-09-07
  • QIC: Billy Bob
  • The PAX: Eldrick, Detour, Pinkman, Collar, Cesspool, Kitty, Wally, Flo, Turtle, Chopshop, Billy Bob

Michelle’s 5K

11 PAX posted in the Gloom this morning. We ran for fun, better health, fellowship and to support a brother in need. Here’s how it went:

Conditions: Still mid 70’s. Still feels like a hot wet blanket is wrapped around your head.

The Thang:

Leave Trenholm Plaza and head up Trenholm Rd.

Left on Forest Ridge Ln.

Left on Quail Ln.

Left on Shady Ln.

Run to cul-de-sac

Reverse course and head back down Shady.

Right on Woodlake Dr.

Right on Trenholm Rd.

Back to Trenholm Plaza



Announcements: Continue to pray for Kim Leighton, Michelle and the boys.

Moleskin: Last night YHC sent the following message to the Scramble PAX:

…consider reading and then meditating on the following scripture tonight and bring it with you in your mind tomorrow. These are verses I find myself going to often. They speak to me because it’s a message about Hope. As Paul writes about “slight momentary affliction”, he’s actually referencing incredible hardships that he’s suffered in the name of Christ. Whatever pain we are currently experiencing will eventually pass. In the end, the Glory we receive will be unmeasurable and eternal. I often think of this scripture when I’m dealing with tough circumstances and it motivates me to stay strong and eliminate the thoughts of retreat. Wally has encouraged us to pray as we run so let’s take advantage of this special time. Push yourselves to be better tomorrow than you were today. Just as our bodies become stronger and better equipped to handle physical challenges as we push the rock, our minds will as well, through prayer and meditation, for when hard times envelop us.
Billy Bob
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16 So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. 17 For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, 18 because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.