• When: 2018-11-06
  • QIC: Plan B
  • The PAX: Spano, Shakespeare, Queenie, Magoo, Perdue, Metermaid, Plan B

The Dutch Fork Doo-Doo Q (Better late than never)…

Sorry for the delay!  I’m sure all three of you that are reading this backblast have been waiting with bated breath since Tuesday.  So rest easy, here she blows…

Seven pax showed at Foxhole this morning.  Apparently they didn’t check the Twitters last night to see that Plan B had the Q again (his third consecutive Foxhole Q). The first two were pretty fru-fru in comparison to what was coming at them today.  A la the Braves circa 1991, we took things from one extreme to the other… The Bravos went from worst to first, The Foxhole went from “fru-fru” to “doo-doo”.

This one was sort of new to the Foxhole crew, as it was stolen at random from a blast on the F3Lexington page (Quisenberry at Turning Point).  It sucked bad! We modified things a bit and worked our way down the loooooong parking lot and back with each set of exercises instead of sideline to sideline on the football field.  It was absolutely CRAPPY in every sense of the word… Thus, the “Dutch Fork Doo-Doo”!

Good work by all, but the gang voiced their wishes to have today’s Weinke and any other record of events burned so as not to be recycled at any point in the future. But as the (not so) great Lee Corso says, “Not so fast my friend!” The Weinke survived and the Backblast is live!

Lastly, big welcome back to Magoo. It’s been a while since he’s graced us at FH for a boot camp. Glad he could remember all of the little people that helped him along the way to his slim, svelte, runners arms, ultra-marathoning self!

I kid, I kid… enjoyed having back. Strong work by the whole group.

Now go vote!


68 and perfect


Disclaimer & Warmup:

  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Overhead Arm Clap x 20
  • Imperial Walker x 10
  • Hillbilly x 10
  • Little Arm Circles x 20 (10 each way)
  • TTT x 10
  • Partner up & Get a block (1/pair)

The Dutch Fork Doo Doo:

  • Blocks in middle of the parking lot, all pax at one end.

Round 1:

  • Partner 1 – LBC until your partner returns
  • Partner 2 –
    • bear crawl to blocks
    • 10 curls
    • high knee to end of lot
    • Turn around & bear crawl back to blocks
    • 10 more curls
    • high knee back to your partner
  • Switch roles, plank until all pax return to start

Round 2:

  • Partner 1 – Burpees until partner returns
  • Partner 2 –
    • Lunge to blocks
    • 10 overhead press
    • Karaoke to end of lot
    • Turn around & lunge back to blocks
    • 10 more overhead press
    • karaoke back to your partner
  • Switch roles, plank until all pax return to start

Round 3:

  • Partner 1 – Alternate plank & air chair to exhaustion until partner returns
  • Partner 2 –
    • Crab walk to blocks
    • 10 walk over merkins on blocks (merkin with one hand on block, switching hands after each rep)
    • Backpedal to end of lot
    • Turn around & crab walk back to blocks
    • 10 more walkover merkins
    • Backpedal back to your partner
  • Switch roles, plank until all pax return to start.

Round 4:

  • Partner 1 – Run a lap around outer road of parking lot
  • Partner 2 – Run stairs/hill to school until partner returns
  • Switch roles, plank until all pax return to start.

Return Blocks & Head to Shovel Flag:


  • Bring Mac n’ cheese boxes for OGM Thanksgiving drive (or paypal Tory your money and he’ll go shopping)
  • Convergence coming up Dec. 1
  • Christmas party coming up Dec. 1
  • Prayer Requests:
    • Please keep Depends in your prayers as he goes through some tests tomorrow morning.  He could use some peace of mind and comfort and would love to hear from each of us over the next few days and weeks.
    • Spano and his family.  Continued growth and health for Baby, Mom, Dad, and Dogs!
    • Hit the polls and vote… people died to give us that right, we should always put it to good use.  Prayers for wisdom, courage, and direction for those elected.

– DEVO –

  • When you think about the game of football, one of the most distinct elements of the sport has always been the “huddle.” Before every play, teams circle up to discuss the next play and make adjustments, while also challenging and encouraging each other.
  • Even as a kid in the backyard with my brothers, cousins and friends, putting our arms on each other’s shoulders created a sense of teamwork.
  • As important as the huddle has been for so many years, teams now do not huddle as much, if at all compared to the past.
  • We see quarterbacks making signals for the play call as they rush their guys to the line of scrimmage to quickly hike the ball. This makes sense for scoring more points and running more plays throughout the game, but something else may be getting lost.
  • Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Roger Staubach, gave this perspective in the article: “As players in the huddle, you’re all alone in the middle of the field but together at the same time. You see who is hurt, who’s tired or who’s spitting mad. You can take that all in, which can be powerful.”
  • Staubach’s take on the huddle also holds true in our personal lives. Instead of “huddling up” as we should, we are like “players darting from one play to the next” and not slowing down to put our arms around each other.
  • When we take the time to circle up with our family and friends, we can actually “see who is hurt” or “who’s tired” or “who’s spitting mad.”
  • As followers of Jesus, it’s crucial that we pause to encourage and challenge one another to keep going…discuss the “next play”…and work together to keep winning.
  • We are missing out on a lot in our lives when we run the “no-huddle” by not fellowshipping or gathering or circling up with each other.
  • Hebrews 10:24-25
    • And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds.  Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day of Christ’s return drawing near.
  • With the Christmas Season approaching, let’s remember Staubach’s take on the huddle and make sure we pause and take some time to assess our own teams status and support those who are tired, mad, hurt, etc.