• When: 2018-03-29
  • QIC: Boo Boo
  • The PAX: Tardy, Rumble Strip, Postal, Giggity, Abacus, Steamer, Rook, Hot-4-Teacher, Bar Crawl, Blue Rhino aka Tony Hawk, Rebound, Life Alert, Banjo, Over Exposed, Deebo, Can't Get Right

McDisappointment for the McPAX

A long time ago in the gloom at a time I vaguely remember, I challenged the PAX of F3 Detention.  We had a strong month attendance wise in February but we wanted more. I wanted more.  I challenged them to show up consistently in droves for the month of March and promised breakfast if we had the highest monthly attendance in F3 Lex.  And boy did these guys deliver. After averaging 16! PAX for the month of March, we decided on a #McVergence upon the McDonalds on Oak Drive.  Now a lot of people like the Kevin Hart joke about “he wasn’t readyyyy” and it is pretty funny.  But when I say this McDonald’s wasn’t ready, I mean it literally. They were closed.  The internet and the door of this fine establishment proclaim that they open at 5 am to serve the hungry mouths of Lexington. Even the employee I called the night before confirmed this.  However, we should have known to listen to Tardy who claimed it opened at 6, #tclaps to Tardy for his fortune telling.  Either way we did some exercises to burn off some steam, here’s how it went:

Run from DET to McD’s (1 mile) doing a burpee at each power pole on the right hand side (approximately 30 burpees)

Find out establishment is closed so decide to work out in the parking lot of KJ’s. Dealer’s choice around the circle.

Tardy – 10 burpees, a man after my heart, solid choice

Rumblestrip – 10 twerk squats, right there for all of Hwy 1 to see, it was real nice

Banjo – 10 divebombers, activated all sorts of muscles here, key is #justthetip

Steamer – 10 IWs, this dude is ready to Q, killed that cadence #likeaboss

Rook – ring of fire, everyone squats while each PAX takes a turn doing 5 squats, Tardy filled in nicely for our absent resident co-Q here

OX – 5 down and back sprints, something is wrong with this guy and his love for running during workouts

Side note: #T-claps to whoever paved the KJ’s parking lot, that surface is deluxe #noglovesneeded

We were getting McDesperate for some McBreakfast, so we checked to see if the Burger King across the street was open, no dice. Circle the wagons and head home with empty bellies.

Cranked out a few exercises on the not so deluxe pavement of DET – inchworm pushups (Life Alert), Freddie Mercs (sorry-forgot), boat-canoes (who else but Rumble), Ray Charles (Bar Crawl) and 10 more burpees (YHC) just for good measure.




Man, this morning could have been a huge letdown.  I know better than to expect good service from McDonald’s but was pretty psyched for this event with my boys.  The #McVergence was growing to legendary status in the Twitter chat and Postal was scaring me a little with his talk of ordering basically the entire menu.  And I say “could have been a huge letdown” instead of “was a huge letdown” because of the boys of F3DET.  They wouldn’t let me get down.  They kept encouraging me. They pushed me to be better and keep a positive attitude.  We always say #ISI and that we’re there for each other, and it really rang true this morning.  Can’t thank these guys enough.  Apologies to any M’s and 2.0s that may have missed out on a McGriddle!


  • Props to Bar Crawl for a solo Stridelite, what a boss
  • T-claps to all the men of DET (and Floppy Disk + Rebar + Cheddar) for setting a goal and knocking it out of the park
  • If you need Postal to show up early, just tell him there’s breakfast, I think he was there an hour early
  • The #McVergence will happen, date TBD
  • Final average for March: 16.11 PAX
  • If we average more than 12 PAX for #TheGauntlet, Over Exposed’s M is making us breakfast burritos #McMotivated


  • Dad’s Camp registration is open, be sure you are registering for the correct location. I believe F3LEX goes to Camp Thunderbird in Charlotte.
  • March 30th (tomorrow) – Cross Ruck – 3:45 @ St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church – Quisenberry for ?s
  • March 31st – convergence with The Mission @ Finlay Park – 8:30 – Training Wheels for ?s
  • THE GAUNTLET – 4/16 through 4/20 and 4/23 – 4/27 – various AOs of F3Lex – Chedda for ?s
  • April 28th – Lexington Brew Ruck – downtown Lexington – Bar Crawl or Moist for ?s
  • May 5th – F3 3rd F 5K – Timmerman Trail – Mac for ?s
  •  2018 BRR teams are forming – Clipboard for ?s