I’ve been wanting to run this loop for a couple months now. Just needed to sign up. After a quick prayer and count off it was time to warm up the legs. We took Southlake to Gibson then a left on Bickley. Long Haul and YHC added .2 of a mile and ran to Industrial Dr and back to let the 6 catch up. Then we took Zenker to Wildlife Road. (…I love that name Zenker!) Wildlife to Barr and Hendrix all the way back to South Church and the non-existing shovel flag.
Everyone enjoyed the loop. Out-and-Backs are fun too but somewhat depressing when you still have 1 mile to run to the turnaround and Kukoc is already passing you on his way back.
Count off, Prayer and DONE!
Checkout Quisenberry’s BB for Announcements!