Well on this last day before officially becoming a man…queue the Mike Gundy GIF please…
YHC had to re-adjust his plan to keep the Smokehouse pax on their toes as good ole Wilson busted my secret plan on Tuesday, he asked…What happened to the Smoker? (as it had been a couple months since we ran our signature fitness test), my smart comment must have given away my plan for today’s Q so I had to adjust. I remember reading a CAT BB from Kenwood the other week and thought that this would be great with a few sprints mixed in so there is was a Kenwood classic plus a little Nub surprise at the end.
Conditions: 60 degrees
1 min warning
Mosey to end of track by the block pile
SSH x 10 IC
Power Jacks (which make me Happy so i renamed them this morning to Happy Jacks) x 10 IC
Smurf Jacks x 10 IC #crowdpleaser
Merkins OMC x 10
The Thang:
Grab a block and head to the sideline. Partner up.
P1 does exercise P2 sprints sideline to sideline then flapjack until numbers are met
50–Block Squats
100–Overhead Presses
150–Block Rows
200–Block Shrugs (Shrugs not Drugs was the official quote of Happy Tree’s)
Sidewinder Block Merkins using both blocks, one hand on block one hand on ground and get ur Merkin on over and back while partners sprints then flapjack
Big Boy Sit ups AMRAP while Partner sprints then flapjack
Blocks Up and mosey to the stadium wall
Balls to the wall w/ wall slaps OMC
Recover and pause for one of our hard charging pax to re-joined us after a quick Merlot break (way to push hard on those sprints Happy Meal)
and with what i hoped was enough time left… and since we just so happened to be standing at the start of the Smoker…lets all do one round of the Smoker in Wilson’s (who fartsacked BTW) honor, not really in his honor but The Smoker is back on the sheet at the end of the month so this was a teaser for the fun to come!
Time called mosey to SF
11/03-04: GORUCK Columbia Tough and Light
11/11: John Flanagan Memorial 10K
12/8: Smokehouse Christmas @ Wino’s
12/15: F3/FiA Christmas Party
Prayer concerns: Doodle/Sara Kate, Khaki’s 2.0, Plug’s 2.0, Caboose’s Father in law, Julia Shealy, Heyward Bouknight, Chad Arant