Conditions: 71 degrees; 93% humidity, 71 degree dew point, 30.09” barometric pressure, low UV index
My name is Socrates, my last Q was August 3, 2017.
Under the waxing crescent moon, 8 PAX are able to remove themselves from the fart sack, shake off the eclipse hangover, and post to get better. YHC hasn’t Q’ed Foxhole since January and, as part of the F3Lake Murray Q exchange Program, seized this opportunity. The one minute warning was sounded, no FNGs noted, disclaimer given, opening prayer offered, and off into the dark we go.
Of course, YHC must first provide the wear reader with music to enjoy as you read, so, in celebration of yesterday’s eclipse, today’s selection is the Scorpions, with the title track from their album, “Blackout:”
Mosey around the road towards the football stadium for a rolling COP:
First stop:
• 20 Windmills (IC)
• 20 Squats (IC)
• 20 SSHs
Mosey a little more and second stop:
• 20 Merkins (IC)
• 15 Little Arm Circles (forwards) (IC) – arms out after the exercise till the end
• 15 Little Arm Circles (backwards) (IC)
• 20 Overhead Claps (IC)
• 20 Raise the Roofs (IC)
• 20 Dirty Birds (IC) – the end, arms down
Mosey a little more and third stop:
• 20 Squats (IC)
• 20 LBCs (IC)
• 20 Crabjacks (IC)
• 20 Imperial Walkers (IC).
Mosey to the brick pile and gather one block and circle up for
Introducing the “The Madoff” – which is a series of two exercises done in pyramids of reps 25/5, decreasing and increasing by 5 till you are to 5/25.
• Set 1: Curls/Military Presses
• Set 2: LBCs/Squats
• Set 3: Tricep Extensions/Bentover Rows
Blocks and mosey to the parking lot area near the flag for Mary:
• 50 LBCs (IC)
• 20 Flutters (IC)
• 20 Ray Charles (IC)
• 20 Dying Cock-a-roaches (IC)
• 25 LBCs (IC)
• 20 Mountain Climbers (IC)
• 25 LBCs (IC).
Jail-break the 10 feet to the SF for COT, BOM, and closing prayer.
Naked Moleskin: Thanks to the FoxHole PAX for allowing YHC to visit today, always a great group. YHC was in need of some upper body work, do the PAX came along for the ride, too. Hope you enjoyed it. So now, when someone asks your directions, this is how your respond:
It is always great to Q at an AO that is not your home, you see different PAX, some you know, some you don’t, you see different AOs, it’s a different experience, yet it’s still F3. It reminds me of why I am a part of F3, the bond. Yeah, you don’t necessarily know these guys that well, but they are there for the same reasons you are, the 3 Fs. Thanks again, lads!! See you all again soon.
Praises/Prayer Requests:
• Prayers for new school year
• Prayers for Smokey’s friend who is out west fighting fires and learned yesterday that his mother was killed in a bank robbery in Conway
• Unspoken prayers
• 8/26: Stomp the Swamp Road
• F3 (2nd and 3rd Fs) Lunches are a-plenty. Check Twitter and the website for details. In fact, there is a whole lot going on, so check the website and Twitter often for updates. Another good place to look for updates/info is in the announcements of the posted Back Blasts.
• Many, many running groups, a rucking group, and kettle bells groups on non-bootcamp days, so get out and get better.
• F3 Lake Murray September Saturdays:
o 2nd-Regional Convergence @ Foxhole/Laurens Expansion
o “The Mission” Schedule- (each AO decides OYO to DD or move workout to Finley Park)
9th-Lake Murray Paxs to The Mission
16th-The Roost/Depot to The Mission
23rd-Speedtrap/HAVOC to The Mission
30th-G.O.A.T./Strut/Foxhole to The Mission
• Shameless plug for YHC: An unofficial running group for those that don’t run, affectionately known as “Struggle” meets Mondays and Wednesday at 0515 on the Irmo side of dam for out and back of 15-22 minutes at your pace. See YHC and/or this:
Devo: (from Our Daily Bread)
Ripe for Harvest
Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35
In late summer, we went for a walk in the New Forest in England and had fun picking the blackberries that grew in the wild while watching the horses frolicking nearby. As I enjoyed the bounty of the sweet fruit planted by others perhaps many years before, I thought of Jesus’s words to His disciples: “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for” (John 4:38).
I love the generosity of God’s kingdom reflected in those words. He lets us enjoy the fruits of someone else’s labors, such as when we share our love for Jesus with a friend whose family—unbeknown to us—has been praying for her for years. I also love the implied limits of Jesus’s words, for we may plant seeds that we will never harvest but someone else may. Therefore, we can rest in the tasks before us, not being hoodwinked into thinking that we are responsible for the outcomes. God’s work, after all, doesn’t depend on us. He has all of the resources for a bountiful harvest, and we are privileged to play a role in it.
I wonder what fields ready for harvest are before you? Before me? May we heed Jesus’s loving instruction: “Open your eyes and look at the fields!” (v. 35).
Creator God, thank You for Your great generosity in entrusting us to do Your work. May I be alert to the opportunities to share Your good news.