• When: 2019-08-01
  • QIC: Socrates
  • The PAX: Lockbox, Hemingway, Hoser, Fiji, AlterBoy, Ranger, Tuff Guy, Queenie, Depends, Dunphy, Aim High, Hall Pass, Enos, Monty, Sand Dollar, Smokey, Peebles, Skinny Jeans, Juice, Plan B, Purdue, The Don, and Socrates

Six years ago, a philosopher walked into a park….and the rest is history

Environmental readings: 72 degrees, 91% humidity, dew point of 68 degrees, Low UV index, moon is in the Waning crescent stage, and an unhealthy air quality (per the Weather Channel).  Executive summary:  overall a pleasant day considering its August and its South Carolina.

But first, this is a historic day for YHC and many men, as it was on August 3, 2013 that #Strut was born, and one year later, #F3LakeMurray, which would later spin off #F3Lexington.  In that time F3 has had a profound effect on YHC.  It didn’t take long for me to learn that F3 was indeed so much more than a workout group after that initial workout, and in the last few years that has hit home time after time, more on this below.  But three things really stick out to YHC: Walker, the floods, and Cheech.  YHC never would have imagine 6 years ago the things that would transpire, the lessons I would learn, and the friends I would make.

Of course, no back blast belonging to YHC is complete without some music.  So, today YHC goes back to something that has played a big influence on my life, in particular my sense of humor and my desire to be a writer for an animated comedy series (which hasn’t quite panned out).  Here is the climactic scene from “What’s Opera, Doc?” starring Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.

Now back to the story……

10 PAX gathered at 0500 for Rockpile and a great discussion from Sharknado on gratitude.

When Rockpile broke it was noted the presence of the #F3MidlandsTour in the parking lot.  YHC realizes this band of #HIMs truly exemplifies what is right with F3.  All 3 Fs can be seen in these guys.  They push themselves and others to get better.  They work not only inside F3 but beyond.  All this, and they also make Twitter a fun place to be.  So, YHC felt the pressure of their presence and realized the bar was high for a quality Q and YHC responds so well to pressure.

Also, PAX from Foxhole joined us for bootcamp this morning in an early celebration of 6 years of Strut and 5 years of F3 Lake Murray (as mentioned above and maybe again below) – as several of their PAX were Redwood Originals from that day when the #Columbiamodel was born at Seven Oaks Park.  Really great to see those guys as well.

That gives us 23 PAX joining the workout today.


So, with so much time and so little to do…

the one-minute warning was sounded and disclaimer given, no FNGs noted, opening prayer offered, and off we moseyed into the Strut gloom, for a wandering COP ‘round the park…first stop the soccer pitch:

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 TTTs (IC)
  • 15 Windmills (IC)
  • 15 Squats (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 15 High Knees (IC)
  • Burp and Merk Pyramid up (burpee with 1 merkin, then burpee with 2 merkins…to 10 merkins) then plank and wait for the 6.

Side Note:  YHC broke one of my own Q rules – that being NEVER incorporate anything learned from Mac into my Q’s – but it was Mac who introduced me to the Burp and Merk, so a tip of the hat to Mac.

Mosey a little and stop at my favorite spot in the woods:

(do not let arms go below parallel for next 6 exercises)

  • 54 Little Arm Circles Forward – IC (27 forward, 27 backward)
  • 27 Raise the Roofs (IC)
  • 27 Overhead claps (IC)
  • 20 Little Arm Circles Forward – IC (10 forward, 10 backward)
  • 10 Raise the Roofs (IC)
  • 10 Overhead claps (IC)
  • 15 Plank Jack (IC)
  • 15 Smurf Jacks (IC)
  • 15 LBCs (IC)

Mosey to the concession stand and partner up for The Thang:

  • Partner 1 does Decline Merkins; Partner 2 runs one clockwise lap around the concession stand, switch (each partner makes two trips).
  • Partner 1 does Incline Merkins; Partner 2 runs two clockwise laps around the concession stand, switch (each partner makes two trips).
  • Partner 1 does Dips while Partner 2 runs three clockwise laps around the concession stand, switch (each partner makes one trip – due to time).

Mosey back to the parking lot and circle up for Mary:

  • 20 LBCs (IC)
  • 20 Stormy Daniels (IC).

Take 2 steps to the SF for COT and BOM.

Naked Moleskin:  Thanks again to the #F3MidlandsTour and FoxHole PAX for joining us this morning, their presence is also a reminder of the fact how great it is to get out and visit other AOs, especially being summer, which gives some of us a little more time.  Do this, too, when you travel, check out F3 and see if it is where you will be and try to post.  T-Claps to Sharknado for a great #RockPile discussion this morning, too.

Naked Moleskin:  The Backstory:  Today we celebrate the anniversary of the passing of a dear friend.

August 3, 2013, marked the death of my own personal Sad Clown.   It was a slow death, coming and going for years.  He left this world on a humid August morning, approximately one year ago.  Here is his story….

I remember vividly seeing posts on Facebook prior to my friend’s death of a group called F3.  Based on those posts I inquired with Sean (Robber) and Flynn (Sway) about this group.  I even went as far as to ask how we can start one on my side of town.  Long story short, because Flynn already had set the wheels in motion, a pre-blast was quickly posted on July 12, 2013, and the launch for what would become known as Strut was set for August 3, 2013.

I met with Flynn at Seven Oaks Park the day prior to the launch and listened as he told me about the plan for the workout, running up hills, pushups, squats, carrying bricks, etc., etc.  I listened patiently and intently as my mind went back to college where I first met Flynn and knowing him since then and listening to him talk that day, I knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he had lost his flipping mind.

Yeah, sure, I will be there the 3rd, but then back to the YMCA for me, never again to grace the grass of an F3 workout.

I did my part, or at least tried, I encouraged friends to attend the launch and talked up the event the best I could.  Then, on the dawn of August 3, 2013, I rose from my fartsack and entered the gloom for the 1st time.

The workout that humid August morning was tough, but I made it (here I am that day).

Approximately one hour after I posted, I was almost hooked.  I say almost as the full “F3 Effect” had not set in with me.  The workout was tough, very tough.  But there was a spark, I wasn’t sure what it was but it was there.  I made a decision I’d give this a try for a week or so.  I did just that.  That week became a month, that month became months, those months became years, and here we are today.

The workouts are always tough, but with the help of the mumble chatter and the laughs, the hard work seemed all the more bearable.  The workouts always vary from day to day.  I have been outside at F3 in single digits temperature readings, in the heat and humidity of South Carolina summers, I even posted on vacation or when I travel.

Along the way, it didn’t take me long to realize that there was more, a lot more, to F3, than just the workouts.  The other 2 “F’s”, fellowship and faith, are a large part of F3.  The lunches, coffee-terias, Bible studies, prayers and, maybe most importantly, the support and accountability of the F3 PAX are all equal parts of F3.

So, between the workouts, the mumble chatter, the comradery, and the full effect of ALL 3 F’s, I was completely hooked.  I still am.

So, here I am, a little over 6 years later, down many pounds and a little over 4 inches in the waist, with more energy, having a stronger faith, and a whole lotta new friends, I say, without hesitation, the death of my Sad Clown was a glorious day.

And that, friend, is the story of my Red Pill.

Prayer requests/praises:

  • Fiji and his M and his family
  • FOB’s dad
  • Aim High
  • Tuff Guy’s father
  • Drama Queen
  • Unspoken prayers


  • F3 Mission cookout – coming to Pine Island, August 9th. Signup sheet is here:


  • Stomp the Swamp is August 24th with run and ruck options. This is always a great event.


  • Strut needs Qs, signup here:


  • September 20th – Tunnel to Towers 5k: https://t2trunsc.org/
  • Many running groups throughout F3 Lake Murray and F3 Lexington, so lace up and get out there.
  • Anchor starts 0515 on Wednesday, with an optional slow mosey cross the dam post KB. Now get the bell there and party with your bell out! https://twitter.com/F3AnchorSC
  • F3 (2nd and 3rd Fs) Lunches are a-plenty. Check Twitter and the website for details.  In fact, there is a whole lot going on, so check the website and Twitter often for updates.  Another good place to look for updates/info is in the announcements of the posted Back Blasts.