• When: 2019-01-05
  • QIC: Arrears
  • The PAX: Moose (Knuckle), JD (1/2 workout), Milkman (#respect), Skunky, Depends (#respect), STH, Penthouse, A1A, Lapdog, Boxwine, Hokey Pokey, Bumblebee, Faulkner, Devito, Fool's Gold


Reflection: YHC is not really sure what happened during this Q. When YHC took the available date to Q, he figured we would just chill, have a good time, joke around etc. Especially considering that our beloved handball has been tabled due to the recent Seattle type weather in our area. THIS IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED AT ALL – the Q seemed easier on paper while it was being drafted about an hour before go time.

Quick observation on numbers: WOW the PAX were really rolling in, even had good ol’ Faulkner (OG Handball) join us mistakenly. Impressive numbers, considering there was only one representative from the esteemed Lakeside neighborhood. Keep up the great work guys!

Conditions: Cold but not cold, you know I’m sayin’? The wind was whipping with the same strength and force as Shakira’s* hips in her recent hit “Trap” featuring Maluma – that is say “strong.”


It was given, but the PAX were carrying on like a pack of unruly wolves.

Warm Up:

Not seeing Bellhop, one of the star members of the Depot Legal Defense Squad (DLDS)**, in our circle of amigos, YHC scrapped his original warm-up to invoke the spirit of Bellhop. Which would not be easy for YHC considering my Fear of Counting (FoC).

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • BBSU x20 OYO
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • BBSU x20 OYO
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • BBSU x20 OYO
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • BBSU x20 OYO
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • BBSU x20 OYO

The Thang

Partner up after being punch drunk from SSH’s and BBSU’s

Move over to the side of the parking lot by the dumpster

Bear Party

  • Partner 1 bear crawl to the other end of the parking lot to Devito’s nice new ride. Bear Crawl back to Partner 2. Partner 2 does Merkins. 150 per team

  • Partner 1 bear crawl to the other end of the parking lot to Devito’s nice new ride. Bear Crawl back to Partner 2. Partner 2 does Carolina Dry Docks. 150 per team

Leg Day

  • Partner 1 lunge walks to the other end of parking lot, mosey back. Partner 2 does Squats. 200 per team.
  • After squats, same thing but with Monkey Jumpers. 200 per team
  • Each team grabs a block after completing

The Hill

Famous for its entrance into the wonder that is Depot. The entrance hill provides the PAX that slow crock-pot burn we all love.

  • Partner 1 run down the hill and back. Partner 2 Chest Press. 250 per team
  • After chest press, same thing but with Bent Over Rows. 250 per team

The End

All PAX are pretty tired at this point, but the extra 15 minutes is the real killer.

  • Partner 1 Frog Jump across the parking lot, mosey back.
  • Partner 2, Curls for the Girls. 300 per team (yes, 300).


Some of us did flutter kicks, some of us took all day returning the blocks.

  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • 10 Iron Crosses OYO

Great work today by everyone. Good to see some old faces and welcome some who don’t usually post at Depot on Saturdays. 

We all have a choice to make in the mornings. Let’s make the harder choice and get better in 2019!

* YHC had a quick wardrobe change that had nothing to do with thinking of Shakira.

**Other members of the DLDS: Neckbrace – not present, Mayhem – not present.