• When: 2018-06-07
  • QIC: Fire Daddy
  • The PAX: Dirtbag, Bud, Weis (FNG- Ethan Noller), Toothpick, Updyke, Money Penny, Flipper (R), Fire Daddy

Ribbit Ribbit

8 pax moaned and groaned their way to The Roost Thursday morning.  Those present were still suffering from Dirtbag’s lunge beat down on Tuesday while others (AOQ included) suffered at home.  Before we started Bud introduced his 2.0 (Ethan).  He was previously named “Chubbs” at Speedtrap for the Memorial Day Murph but the name was already taken so a renaming was in order.  Here’s how it went down:

Conditions: lower 70s with some humidity

Tha Thang:

Head to the upper parking lot in front of the school and circle up.

SSH x 15 (IC)

TTT x 10 (IC)

IW x 10 (IC)

Amphitheater loops:

Run to rails heading down into amphitheater and do 20 pull ups.  Run down into amphitheater for 20 step ups (10 each leg) and 20 dips.  Exit amphitheater and run all the way down the hill to 4 lower parking spots.  At spot #48 perform 48 merkins.  Run back to the start and repeat 4 times.  Each time at the bottom of the hill move up a parking spot to change exercise: 47 squats, 46 plank jacks, and 45 LBCs.

Once complete head to wall in upper parking lot for partner wall sit relays (P1 runs to fence and back while P2 wall sits, flip flop) until everyone completes amphitheater loops.

Line up for indian merkin run around outer loop of school.  Last man drops for 5 merkins and sprints to front.  When passing new last man, he drops for 5 merkins.  Continue until we reach the flag.  About mid way through the run Bud, came close to ending the life of an innocent frog that happened to get in his way.  This moment would play a part for later on.

Line up along track, first pax runs to 2nd light post and back (approx 200m) while remaining pax perform called exercise amrap.  Called exercises were: russian twists, squats, mtn climbers, lunges, and little arm circles.  Time called.


Speedtrap and Roost are supporting Mission on Saturday.  8:30am Finlay Park

Renaming of FNG-Ethan Noller:  To recap the original name given to young Ethan was Chubbs (going to The Citadel in the fall, plays golf and works at Timberlake) but that name is already taken.  Bud Light was leader in the clubhouse for much of the morning until the pax got a little more creative.  Remember Bud almost stepped on a frog, so that triggered talk of the old commercials featuring the Budweiser frogs.  “Bud, do you have any more kids that would come out to F3” “Yeah another boy 3 years younger than Ethan”  Hmmmm.  Bud…..weis…..er.  Welcome Weis.  Bud’s other son hasn’t even posted yet but will be named Er when he does.
