15 pax made it out for YHC’s first Q in 2019 (later to discover first Q since AUGUST 2018 – WTH?)
In any event, it was a good turnout especially when we later learned this would be Fools’ Gold’s last post until late July. He and his family will be traveling overseas and spending time together touring in Europe. Godspeed, FG. Depot Bot won’t be the same without you!
Conditions: Warm and Muggy. Perfect for a full body beatdown
No warmp up – straight to work
The Thang
Many #UTP (aka Original Men of Depot) recall a workout years ago by JD. (I know. You’re thinking – WHO???)
That workout got him into a little trouble with some pax (due to his choice of acronym) but it was a great workout and had a prize. The pax (that posted that day) loved it and so YHC figured, why be creative on my first Q in NINE MONTHS? Do a similar workout and save yourself the counting, IC, etc, etc.
Actually, it was a combination of me liking JD’s workout and wanting to add some elements to it (teamwork, strategery, and a different prize).
Thus…..#BEASTMODE (complete with Spotify and Bose speaker – thanks Neckbrace)
Pax partnered up and were able to have 7 teams. Having 15 men, that left YHC to play the role of “all time loafer” (I mean, the pax who could run with any group and add reps to any group)
Grab a block – although only used on 2 possible exercises.
One partner runs a lap (.20 miles) while partner pax does excercises. Flapjack. Move on to next letter.
B – burpees
E – E2K (YHC found this on F3 website….”Elbows to Knees”)
A – Alternating Shoulder Tap
S – Squats
T – Thrusters (with blocks obviously)
M – Merkins
O – Overhead Press (with blocks, of course)
D – Dips (on blocks)
E – E2K again
The rules were:
1. Most reps in letter wins that category
2. Most wins determines 1st place, 2nd place, etc.
3. Teams had to finish M to qualify
4. Once finish M, teams could continue OR go back and add to letter (#strategery)
5. Going back, means both partners had to run and do SAME exercise (some silent protests were filed as teams felt some teams had pax run 1 lap and pax do 1 exercise instead of both running lap and doing exercises…but I digress)
Winning team Was Team 7 (4 letters, BEAS), Tied for 2nd place were Team 1 (2 letters D,E) and Team 2 (2 letters T, O)
Team 1 – Tukery Burger, Coppertone
Team 2 – Arrears, Moose
Team 3 – Tramp STamp, Whitney
Team 4 – Laettner, Bout Time
Team 5 – Fool’s Gold, Buddy Love
Team 6 – Kitty Litter, Lumbergh
Team 7 – Neck Brace, Box Wine
Moleskin: Hopefully everyone enjoyed the workout. Work was definitely done. You could obviously tell these men like to compete (notice the numbers and the strategy, Team 1 posted original numbers and I don’t think ever went back – but men wanted to take them out, and did). Team 1 was also the only team that YHC didn’t help. When you have 2 dudes whose chest and guns bust out shirts like Turkey Burger and Coppertone, they don’t need any help! Today wasn’t about the strongest or fastest. You needed a little of both (since full #Beastmode meant about 2 miles of running with 9 sets of exercises) but you also needed to use that muscle in your skull if you wanted to take home the prize. #strategery
Special thanks to Arrears for being in Charlotte yesterday and purchasing today’s prize: F3Beer . YHC got the idea to use this as a prize when he saw some F3LakeMurray and F3Lexington pax bring some home (h/t Smokey and Lamont).
Fools’ Gold – To the surpise of all, Fool’s Gold broke the news that this morning was his last post for several weeks. YHC mentioned above he and his family will be traveling overseas. He’ll be back in late July though so let’s be sure to reach out to him and welcome him back! #NeverForgetDepotBot
Bout Time shared the news that Darla and his wife lost friends this week in a tragedy across the dam.
Please keep these families in your prayers this week!
James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry