Conditions: 35 Degrees, chilly (but not for long)
Disclaimer: YHC has almost been active (keyword: active) in F3 for 4 years and is still not a professional
One of our own PAX has said many times that there is no “warm-up” at bootcamps. That If you want a warm up arrive earlier at the AO. YHC is not really sure he agrees with that especially considering that the experts advise that warming up prior to extraneous physical activity in cold weather is recommended to avoid heart failure (true story. google ‘snow shoveling and heart attack’). To please everyone YHC did a little of both:
- The first exercise is (pause) TTT, IC (pause) Exercise x 10
- 1 Burpee OYO
- LAC x 10 IC forwards only
- 2 Burpees OYO
- LAC x 10 IC backwards only
- 3 Burpees OYO
- Overhead Arm Claps x 10 IC
- 4 Burpees OYO
- IW x 10 IC
- 5 Burpees OYO
- Hillbillies x 10 IC
- 6 Burpees OYO
- Squats x 10 IC
- 7 Burpees OYO
- LBC x 10 IC
- 8 Burpees OYO
- Flutter kicks x 10 IC
- 9 Burpees OYO
- Merkins x 10 IC
- 10 Burpees OYO
Now that everyone is nice and warm, time to move to the Fiesta de Navidad
The Thang
Cultural lesson: Christmas Eve is the true celebration among hispanic countries. Its time when to celebrate happiness, love, faith, peace etc etc. Families get together to eat a traditional meal of tamales, soups, lechona, arroz con pollo, fruits and desserts. Of course, there’s a little imbibing of adult beverages – in moderation, of course.
If you’re still awake at midnight, you exchange gifts symbolizing the three wise men taking gifts to baby Jesus.
Of course celebrating all this is difficult with “Santa.” I guess thats what happens when cultures collide. The indians should have never trusted the pilgrims
Doce Dias de Navidad
YHC is the MacGyver of Q’s. All you need is a stick of gum, a quarter, a paper clip and something to scrawl on to create a Weinke:
Perform each exercise and then repeat the last exercises as you move through the 12 days. I Lap around the playground. Day 2- 2 Mountain Climber Merkins, than 1 lap. Day 3 – 3 Catalina Winemakers (who doesn’t like a good Spanish vino? Crowd pleaser), 2 Mountain Climber Merkins, than 1 lap. So on and so forth. Day 5 was where the rubber meets the road.
By my calculations there was somewhere between 89-92 burpees performed if you did them all. Which, again, by my calculation only 21% of PAX did.
Prayer Requests: Pray for Brother Si as he prepares his missions trip to Guate…errr. Turkey Burger’s 18 month old baby cousin who received an unfortunate diagnosis. We pray that the treatments are successful and well received.
Shortly after our workout, we received the sad news that one of Lexington FIA’s own passed away in a tragic accident. Please lift up her family in prayer as they go through this difficult time. I understand she leaves behind a loving husband and three young children who will need our arms wrapped around them in the coming days.
This is a tough reminder that tomorrow is never promised. Don’t wait to let the ones you love know that you live them.