• When: 2020-05-07
  • QIC: Arrrrrears
  • The PAX: Pothole (OG), Paintchip (Handball OG), Fool's Gold (not missing), Blart (COTTERS), Lumbergh, Darla, STH, Milkman (respect), Hostile, Bellhop (Rush), Boxwine, Buddy Love, Trix, Stagecoach (drawer), Queenie (respect), Laettner, Joanna (tech support), Moose (knuckle), Soft Toss (cankles), Fiji (#superrespect)


The stage was set for the revival of in person bootcamps at #DEPOT. YHC was honored to lead the charge.  21 PAX full of approximately 5 weeks of pent up energy and mumble chatter that cannot be properly expressed on Zoom were ready to get after it.

The energy and intensity was too great to contain at Ballentine Park forcing a last minute decision to change location to Ballentine Elementary.

Conditions: 47 degrees, just under the Coppertone (excused absence) 50 degree rule.

Disclaimer: YHC is still not a professional. Modify as needed. Many of us didn’t ride the Zoom train, so ease back into it.

Extra Disclaimer: Keep a safe distance, no mouth to mouth – unless consensual.

Only Lumbergh questioned the consensual part. Moving on.

Warm up

  • Easy jog around the school loop. Do not try to keep up with Buddy Love, the man does not know the meaning of a warm-up run.
  • Circle up, TTT x 10 IC
  • 10 x SSH OYO
  • IW x 10 IC, 15x SSH OYO
  • Hillbillies x 10 IC, 20 x SSH OYO
  • Mountain climbers x 15 IC, 25 x SSH OYO
  • Plan Jacks x 15 iC, 30 x SSH OYO

Warm Up² 

  • Everyone line up on one side of the parking lot. One spot per PAX (safe distancing!!!). 5 Merkins, bear crawl to the curb on the other side, 5 Merkins, bear crawl back to start.
  • SIDE NOTE: right about this time the PAX were enjoying the melodic tunes of Nickelback (greatest Canadian band), which was a special request from JD (unexecused absence).
  • 5 CDD bear crawl to the curb on the other side, 5 CDD, bear crawl back to start.

The Thang

  • Partner up at a safe distance, hands to yourself. Partner 1 run to the first tree (those who were there know). 5 monkey jumpers run back. Partner 2 shoulder taps, flip flop. 200 total
  • 200 squats per group, runner does 5 jump squats at the tree.
  • 200 LBC’s per group, runner does 5 SSH at the tree
  • 200 Merkins on the curb (MOTC), runner does 5 CDD at the tree

Mary abbreviated

  • Flutter kicks x 10 IC, 10 BBSU OYO
  • Flutter kicks x 10IC, 10 BBSU OYO

Count off, prayer.

Announcements: Depot resumes normal hours, Sat, Tue, and Thur. 3rd F opportunity this Saturday contact Moose for more deets. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK, as they say.

Hydration Station

Let’s take some time to catch up with PAX we haven’t seen in person. Grab a cold beverage of your choice and safely congregate in the parking lot.

Covid After Party “The official mix”

Final Thoughts

Great seeing the regulars and not so regulars out there today. Let’s try to keep that momentum moving forward. YHC was definitely rusty, definitely will be more polished next time. Big ups to Joanna and Pothole for the tech support.

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