Warmup I:
50 Air Press
20 Squats
Air Press
10 Burpees
Warmup II: Dynamic Stretching
Warmup III: Lap around parking lot
Moset to Wheat and King:
Ten Burpees
Lap around Hand parking lot and back to Amphitheater
5 decline merkins and 5 split squats per leg, per step
5 LBC’s at the bottom, go to playground
5 Pull Ups, grab a block, return to amphitheater
25 LBCs
Bench press to failure (or until we could convince HeeHaw to stop)
7 burpees for everyone except Beta, since he has attended the most F3 workouts in the last 30 days
5 incline merkins and 5 box jumps or step ups, per step
Partner Up and farmer’s carry to Hand picnic tables
13 In and Outs IC
10 In and Outs IC
7 In and Outs IC
14 Decline Merkins OYO
15 Dips OYO
2 BetaMax Cleopatra Lifts:
1:00 Superman
7 Burpees
16 Carolinas Dry Docks OYO
20 Plie Squats
Bench press to failure (or until we could convince HeeHaw to stop)
Suicide Cusack with blocks on basketball courts
Honestly I audibled the rest of the workout from here and forgot the whole thing. There was a lot of chest work and even more mumble chatter. Sometimes the best laid plans…