• When: 2017-08-16
  • QIC: Schweddy
  • The PAX: Nails (#Respect), Shocker, Noonan, Fallout, Cutler, Tradmark, McLovin, Betamax, Huffy, Pole Position, Robber, Seeker, Dinghy, Jar Jar, Schweddy

Capture the Stumble Flag 10k

Six PAX;  Shocker, Noonan, Fallout, Cutler, Trademark & YHC set out at 0515 on a quest to conquer the forbidden land of #Stumble and return with booty.  That means treasure men (or in this case, the #Stumble Shovel Flag), get your minds out of the gutter.  The remaining nine wrapped with #TheArmory and began their adventure at 0530.  To YHC’s knowledge they did not return with any booty, or treasure.  HAHA, see what I did there?  Anyway…..

Conditions – 79 and Juicy

Disclaimer – Check

The Thang:

Roll down Devine Street – Still a tight group, good pace and ample mumble chatter.

Cross Devine at Kilbourne but stay on Devine.

Continue into the bottom Gills Creek watershed where PAX cross paths with a couple of the early start #Stumblers.  Hand-slaps and “Sups” are exchanged.

Cross Rosewood and begin the slog up M.O.M. (Mother of Martha) aka, Garner’s Ferry Hill.  By now the PAX are well spaced out.

Half-way up M.O.M. the majority of #Stumble PAX cross our paths.  All do their best to talk trash and reach for a high-fives and such.  As YHC extended to slap hands with Spurrier, YHC’s foot caught the curb and a full-on, graceless, fall ensued.  Spurrier offered help but the damage was done.  #SchweddyFail

Complete the M.O.M. climb and pass Target.  This is the general area where many of the 0530 PAX turned around to get 3.5-4 miles or so.

Right onto Old Woodlands.

Left onto Olde Knight Pkwy where we encounter a tribe of Ogres.  Nope, wait… it’s just the PAX of #IronYard.

Flyby #IronYard and storm #Stumble Kingdom.

At exactly the 3.1 mile mark, Queens Way Drive, Shocker & Noonan commenced a full-frontal assault and captured the #Stumble Shovel Flag.  This was also the turn around point.

Right onto Old Woodlands.

Left onto Garner’s Ferry where Shocker & Noonan hand the #Stumble Flag off to YHC.

Continue the ride and back down M.O.M.  See the usual suspects (#Stumble PAX) in similar places.  Thankfully, YHC does not bust his keister during this pass.

Back through the watershed bottom where YHC passes the baton to Fallout.

Continue straight, up A.O.M. (Aunt of Martha) aka Devine Street hill. Who the hell is this Martha?

Half-way up A.O.M. Fallout and YHC play pass the #Stumble Flag as fatigue and heat set in.

Reach the AO, pass the booty to Cutler for the finish.

COT/BOM – Schweddy


  • Special thanks to the PAX of #Stumble and especially their AOQ Pipeline.  YHC & Pipeline planed this for weeks to make it work.  We will do it again.
  • All PAX were invited to the Hostage Exchange tonight at #HDHH where the shovel flags will be ceremoniously returned.
  • Congrats to McLovin as he returned to the scene of the crime to celebrate his 4th F3-iversary today.


  • Wednesdays, 5:00 AM – #TheArmory @ #Brickpile
  • Wednesdays, 5:15 PM – #HDHH @ Bar None – TODAY!!!!
  • Give to Give raffle
  • Kick-off Convergence, Friday Sept 1st at #Ramble – Wear your Colors.
