• When: 2017-12-05
  • QIC: Lego
  • The PAX: Katniss, Dead Stick, Brainiac, Ebert, Kid Sister, Tail Pipe, Lego

This Workout Brought To You By The Number 11

The men of The Stand got the opportunity to learn about the number 11.  Here’s how it went down.

Weather: Last nice day in the gloom for a while. 40 Degrees

The Thang:

1 Pull-up and 10 Carolina Dry Docks (11 reps total).  increase pull-up and decrease dry docks until reversed.

Sprint to the Blocks and grab your favorite block.

Go to Blueberry Hill.

Carry blocks with you the whole time.  1 squat, back peddle up the hill, 10 Squats (11 reps total).  Increase at bottom of hill and decrease decrease at top of hill until reversed.

This is a Lego led Workout, so you know there had to be a few burpees.

Leave blocks at bottom of hill.  1 ten-count Man Maker, run up the hill, 10 Burpees (11 reps total).  Increase at bottom of hill and decrease decrease at top of hill until reversed.


Christmas Party



Registration for BRR is open


Blindside’s Daughter

Kendell Healy – Lego’s friend suffering from severe RA