• When: 04-24-18
  • QIC: Stagecoach
  • The PAX: Tentpole, Roommate (R), Moose, Laettner, Coppertone, Phonebooth, Major Pain, Sir Topham Hat, SoftToss, Arrears, Blue Crab, Lumbergh, Pothole, Nutmeg, Chubbs, Buddy Love, Turkey Burger, Brother Si, Hostel, Kitty Litter (R-War Daddy), EZ, Bumblebee, Stagecoach

The hair definitely didn’t get wet

Contrary to original Nantan Sway’s forecast on a 4am text to YHC (letting me know he was fartsacking due to “monson”), there was NOT A DROP IN THE SKY today at Depot. “The hair” was as glorious as ever and didn’t move an inch during the entire workout…until Hairburners were on display!

24 pax defied Cantore (not really, no rain) and surprised YHC with a large turnout this morning. It has been awhile since Ol Stagey was Q so I wanted to be sure I delivered a full body workout – including our calves!

1 minute warning

Disclaimer (not disclaimed; luckily avoided lawsuits – pending statue of limitations)


SSH x 10 IC
TTT x 10 IC (pax clap to their own individual beat..rattles some Qs, but not this guy)
Windmill x10 IC
IW x 10 IC
LAC x 10 IC fwd & bwd
Calf raises x 10 IC

Raise the Roof
10 merkins (up/down) with 1 “raise the roof”
9 merkins (up/down) with 2 “raise the roof”
So on and so forth
1 merkin (up/down) with 9 “raise the roof”

The Thang

Pax grab “cylinder” blocks (couldn’t resist #oldschool)
Teams of 5 and 4
YHC opens trunk to display the dreaded plates (courtesy of Splinter 10:30pm drop off last night at the house). Plates vary from 2 45lbs, 2 35 lbs, and 2 individual 10lb blocks. Choose wisely.


1 pax from each group moves plate across parking lot while other pax on team Overheard Arm Press AMRAP
Once all pax on team have pushed plate, plank on 6.
Rinse and Repeat 3x
Enough of that #Crowdpleaser

Pax Cusack blocks to bottom of hill

1 pax from each group Cusacks block up and down hill while other pax on team Curls for the Girls AMRAP
Once all pax on team have gone up/down hill, plank on 6

1 pax runs up and down hill (no block) while other pax on team Squats AMRAP
Once all pax on team have gone up/down hill, plank on 6

1 pax runs backwards up hill and frontwards down hill while other pax on team Calf Raises AMRAP
Once all pax on team have gone up/down hill, plank on 6

1 pax lunge walk up hill and run down hill while other pax on team Flutters AMRAP
Once all pax on team have gone up/down hill, plank on 6

Time running short – audible for pax to Cusack blocks up hill and return blocks to storage

Circle for Mary – except instead of Mary it was 5 burpees OYO – thanks to Nantan Sway fartsacking #BlanketParty

Mosey to flag for Countarama, Namarama

Convergence – May 12th, 6:15am, Foxhole

Prayer Request – Soft Toss (Jack, out of ICU, doing better, short term memory coming back a little bit)