• When: 2018-08-09
  • QIC: Plan B
  • The PAX: Shakespeare, Spring Break, Plan B

SMH Foxhole… SMH

Three pax… Yep, that’s all. Just 3 (tres… trois…drei…trzy…) pax came out to Foxhole this morning. That is pitiful!  We are not a new region.  Not a new A/O.  There wasn’t a big convergence going on.  Just not very many pax interested in working hard.

If you are reading this and your name is not Shakespeare or Spring Break, you should have been there if you want to know what went on.  We busted it and the rest of you slackers did not.  Maybe you can man up and peel your tail out of bed next time to join us.

3 pax… good grief!  We’re better than that!


  • 71 and less humid



  • We worked hard.



  • Run Groups wed. @ Ballentine Elem. and Friday @ Dunkin Donuts
  • FiA is having a 5k soon.  See Twitter for details.
  • Sign up to Q… it’s good for you.



  • Mark 13:32-33 – “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.”

Many of us say that we can wait until tomorrow or next week, just like we say that we will make it up on the next possession of a game. But that next chance may never come, so we must make the most of every opportunity.

Even though you chose to miss out on an opportunity this morning, we’ll welcome you back next time and push you even harder to make up for the lost time!

Come see me Tuesday, Brothers…. I’ll be there!