• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Flat as a 🥞 Four

AO: ramble
Q: DriveBy
PAX: Turtle, 8 Mile, Bailiff, Betamax, Biggie Smalls, Bootleg, Churchkey, Costanza, DriveBy, Easy Street, Friar Tuck, Garnish, Love Child, Mud Dawg ( 2nd F), Stache, SweetTart, Tube Socks, QuickBooks
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Not much
THE THANG: 4.1 miles flat as you can get
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Swaggle in two weeks. Hero Hustle this weekend. Two weeks before AOQ change at The Wall
COT: Prayers for Syd, Gavin, and the parents of Eight Mile’s friend.

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