AO: spur
Q: BunkBed , Blind Date, Biggie Smalls
PAX: Tinactin (F3 Naperville, IL), Snowflake, Fallout, Betamax, Oscar, Ronda, CESS, Misfire, Tommy Boy, Big Worm, Spot, Jar Jar, Pipeline, Silver Bullet, Lobstah, Papagiorgio, Columbo, Dropped Call, Ebert
FNGs: None
Some PAX doubled down with #dawnstrike
@BunkBed first to Q
Wait next to the flag for the PAX who were still meandering in the parking lot.
The Motivator X5 IC
Arm Circle Song
The Sick Frizz bros head to the practice field
1 Burpee at each of the pillars around the field until you reach the bottom entrance. Mosey back to get the six and do 5 more burpees
At the pull-up bars descending set
5->4->3->2->1 pull-ups
15->12->9->6->3 BBS
20->16->12->8->4 Squats
Dirty Dogs X10 IC each side
Alabama Butt Kickers X10 IC each side
Game Day Squats to Daurde’s Sandstorm: hold air chair, then jump squat on the du-du-du then repeat till the beat drop and jump up and down yelling USC, USC, USC!
Turned the Q over to @Blind_Date
@Blind_Date had a version of the army fitness test set up on the field next to the pull-up bars. PAX partnered up and had to complete exercises going 25 meters out and back two times. P1 goes then P2 did exercises while back at the start line.
1. Backwards throw of a 10 lbs ball
2. Sandbag carry station 1
3. Kettlebell carry station 1
4. Sandbag carry station 2
5. Pull 90lbs plate backwards
6. Kettlebell carry station 2
7. PAX do a mix of pull-ups and other exercises
1 full round of the exercises
Grande Finale
PAX count off one, two
Team Blind Date vs Team BunkBed
All PAX down in plank, P1 sprints across the field to the soccer goal and back. First team finished gets dibs on cinnamon rolls first!
Team Blind Date gets the dub in a decisive fashion!
Mosey back to the flag with Blind Date’s equipment.
Stretching led by BunkBed and Blind Date
12-16-23 Cold Brew Half(ish) Marathon
12-17-23 1600 F3 Columbia Christmas Party
Prayers for Tinactin and his parents as his parents move to extended care.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thankful for this group of men keeping me accountable and being there for me in tough times makes me greatful. @Lobstah also contributed by stating that even the tough times are God’s will and for us to be thankful for those times as well.
Q: BunkBed , Blind Date, Biggie Smalls
PAX: Tinactin (F3 Naperville, IL), Snowflake, Fallout, Betamax, Oscar, Ronda, CESS, Misfire, Tommy Boy, Big Worm, Spot, Jar Jar, Pipeline, Silver Bullet, Lobstah, Papagiorgio, Columbo, Dropped Call, Ebert
FNGs: None
Some PAX doubled down with #dawnstrike
@BunkBed first to Q
Wait next to the flag for the PAX who were still meandering in the parking lot.
The Motivator X5 IC
Arm Circle Song
The Sick Frizz bros head to the practice field
1 Burpee at each of the pillars around the field until you reach the bottom entrance. Mosey back to get the six and do 5 more burpees
At the pull-up bars descending set
5->4->3->2->1 pull-ups
15->12->9->6->3 BBS
20->16->12->8->4 Squats
Dirty Dogs X10 IC each side
Alabama Butt Kickers X10 IC each side
Game Day Squats to Daurde’s Sandstorm: hold air chair, then jump squat on the du-du-du then repeat till the beat drop and jump up and down yelling USC, USC, USC!
Turned the Q over to @Blind_Date
@Blind_Date had a version of the army fitness test set up on the field next to the pull-up bars. PAX partnered up and had to complete exercises going 25 meters out and back two times. P1 goes then P2 did exercises while back at the start line.
1. Backwards throw of a 10 lbs ball
2. Sandbag carry station 1
3. Kettlebell carry station 1
4. Sandbag carry station 2
5. Pull 90lbs plate backwards
6. Kettlebell carry station 2
7. PAX do a mix of pull-ups and other exercises
1 full round of the exercises
Grande Finale
PAX count off one, two
Team Blind Date vs Team BunkBed
All PAX down in plank, P1 sprints across the field to the soccer goal and back. First team finished gets dibs on cinnamon rolls first!
Team Blind Date gets the dub in a decisive fashion!
Mosey back to the flag with Blind Date’s equipment.
Stretching led by BunkBed and Blind Date
12-16-23 Cold Brew Half(ish) Marathon
12-17-23 1600 F3 Columbia Christmas Party
Prayers for Tinactin and his parents as his parents move to extended care.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thankful for this group of men keeping me accountable and being there for me in tough times makes me greatful. @Lobstah also contributed by stating that even the tough times are God’s will and for us to be thankful for those times as well.