• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Diamonds are Forever

AO: score
Q: Sled
PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Nails, Prenup, OBC, RayCharles, Spool, Charley (f3Pele), Ripcord
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Unconventional. Sled, in James Bond fashion, does things his own way.
THE THANG: Workout was Diamond Themed with pain stations at each point starting with 7 reps and increasing by 7 after each trip. Started with Big Boy, then SSH, then Mountain Climbers and then Carolina Dry docs with an LBC audible as 28 dry docs at each point was a bit much. Then on to brick work and culminating in a ladder consisting of Merkins, Big Boys and Squats. Finished Strong with howling monkeys! It was really great to have Sled back, though if you listened to chatter, you might think otherwise.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today is Tuesday! Remember Thursday is leg day!
COT: Prayers for friend of OBC who is facing Breast Cancer, and Ballboy and his rotator cuff! 90% participation at EUG! Thanks for Coffee Sled!

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