Got home late last night from a double header at Strom Thurmond HS and thought about making a call to the bullpen. The accountability this group provides overtook the call of the ‘sack. We put in some work and had some laughs. Didn’t wake up this morning thinking that we’d be discussing the movie Boomerang but there we were.
It was a great morning with some great men.
Conditions: 30s
The Thang:
Disclaimer, BOM
Warm up mosey around the parking lot to find a suitable spot for:
COP (hold plank throughout)
- Plank Jacks x 10 IC
- Low plank jacks x 10 IC (we’ll call these Shortages from now on)
- Merkins x 10 IC
- Mt Climbers x 10 IC
- Hydraulics x 10 IC
- Shoulder Taps x 10 IC
Mosey to shed
Ladder 1
- Tysons x 20, lap
- Tysons x 20, Box jumps x 16, lap
- Tysons x 20, Box jumps x 16, Carolina Dry Docks x 12, lap
- Tysons x 20, Box jumps x 16, Carolina Dry Docks x 12, Squat jumps x 8, lap
- Tysons x 20, Box jumps x 16, Carolina Dry Docks x 12, Squat jumps x 8, Burpees x 4, lap
Line up at curb – Walking lunge to speed bump (about 30 yds) – Walking lunge back
Ladder 2
- Tricep dips x 20, lap
- Tricep dips x 20, Step ups x 16, lap
- Tricep dips x 20, Step ups x 16, Incline merkins x 12, lap
- Tricep dips x 20, Step ups x 16, incline merkins x 12, Bobby Hurleys x 8, lap
- Time ran out and didn’t get to the last one
Devo: Puzzle Piece (from Press On)
I was on a conference call training recently where the topic was company culture. The trainers were trying to deliver a message of positivity and teamwork. Toward the end, one of the participants named Andy made the comment, ‘Think of it as a piece of the puzzle. You may have that key piece. If you don’t put in your piece, the puzzle may not get solved.’ I found this to be extremely profound.
As we encounter people throughout our lives, what if a positive word is the piece of the puzzle that person may need to get them through the day? What if, as you mentor a student, or coach a player, your consistent encouragement is the piece of the puzzle that young person needs for their development? What if randomly sending your wife flowers is a piece of the puzzle missing from your marriage?
We all hold puzzle pieces. Use them. They could be a key piece that someone needs to complete their puzzle.
Prayer Requests:
- Sarah Harmon
- H4T
- Ashley Roberts
- SnB’s family
- Columbo’s family
- Shade’s M’s friend
- Marriages
- 4/29-5/11 The Gauntlet