• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

BunkBed’s 28th Bday FrAmble Fish Fry 5k

AO: amble
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Woody, Biggie Smalls, Mud Dawg, Oscar, Double Rub, Easy Street, Fallout, Tommy Boy, Trademark, Quickdry
FNGs: None
Talk about my odd adventure down Knox Abbot seeing a girl twerking and Oscar taking shots at the slackblasts for the 2ndF activities (hopefully one day soon I can figure out to separate first and second F activities in the database.)
Almost a 5k! The turns must make it a little short. Ran to Holly to get the whole distance in. Good talking with and seeing everyone today!
12-16-23 1100 Cold Brew Half(ish) starting from All Good Books
12-17-23 1600 F3 Columbia Christmas Party
12-29-23 0530 Runvergence at #scramble
01-01-23 Convergence at #the_bull
01-14-23 TomTom Foolery 4
Prayers for Luke
COFFEETERIA: We are now treated like kings in Eggs Up Grill! Stay ahead of your debut folks!

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