Lexington, SC

F3 Lexington Backblasts

18 pax join YHC to celebrate his one year anniversary with F3 where it all started for him, the Graveyard

One year ago YHC had just finished a weight loss competition to lose some excess lbs.  He did this on his own, which was okay but something we missing.  YHC loved working out, but at the end of each workout, regardless of the progress being made in the competition…there was an empty feeling.  YHC thought …

18 pax join YHC to celebrate his one year anniversary with F3 where it all started for him, the GraveyardRead More »

Bear Crawls, Crab Crawls and Inch Worms Oh My!!

Conditions: Humid. It’s beginning to feel a lot like good ol’ SC gloom! T-Claps to the early risers for Stridelite. 15 PAX bust out of the fartsack for a YHC led shoulder extravaganza. Good job men. Disclaimer Prayer COP: 10-SSH 15-LITTLE ARM CIRCLES’S-EA ARM 10-MRKNS 25-FLTR KCKS THE THANG: HOME-1ST-BEARCRAWL @1ST 25-JANE FONDAS-EA LEG-IC 1ST-2ND …

Bear Crawls, Crab Crawls and Inch Worms Oh My!!Read More »

Having signed up to Q weeks back and also HC’ing to run Stride-lite prior to the 5:00 beatdown, YHC questioned his luck when he woke up this morning and heard rain drops on the roof.  After a quick view of the radar, YHC knew he was going to get wet this gloomy morning and the …

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