
8 pax crush some brick work and awkward core work at Boneyard, good thing it was dark

YHC eased his aching body out of the fartsack this morning thinking “What in the world was I thinking signing up to Q!!!”.  The cold that seemed to disappear at the end of last week crept up quickly this morning, which didn’t help the aches at all from the events that occurred last week.  Regardless, …

8 pax crush some brick work and awkward core work at Boneyard, good thing it was darkRead More »

Preblast: One Year Anniversary Convergence

March 1, 2015 marks the One Year Anniversary of The Big Bang in Lexington. It remains the largest Big Bang in F3 History as 103 pax posted on 3/1/14 to open up what we now know as Graveyard. Here’s the backblast from that day: One year later, Lexington is its own region boasting 13 …

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