• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

SweetTart takes Thunder to the hills

AO: thunder
Q: SweetTart
PAX: Huffy (CBHM Masters Champ), Insanity, Bucket Truck, Strudel, Fallout, SmokeScreen, Spot, Costanza, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Oscar, Phlegm, Aaron Horwood, SweetTart, Martha
FNGs: 1 Martha

side straddle Hops
Imperial walkers
Through the tunnel

Mosey to corner

all in cadence

Mosey to ampitheater
reps of 4 8 12 16 on steps
Decline merkins
In n outs
Box jumps
Calf Raises

Mosey to hills
4 8 12 reps at bottom and top of hill.
forst time up hill run backwards
LBCs & dry docks
Merkins & Jump Squats

Mosey to second hill
Burpees & Jump Lunges

Mosey back to AO because the Q is over time

apologize for going over by 1 minute, thankfully Ronda wasn’t there to complain

COT Prayers for those fighting for Leukemia, Luke and Syd. Prayers for the SweetTart family as his M has surgery Wednesday

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