• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Mailbox Mayhem part Deux

AO: the_castle
Q: Billy Bob
PAX: Katniss, grilz, Wham, Turncoat, Mimosa, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Fergie, Buc-ee, McLovin, Turnpike, Special K, Kamikaze, Wannabe, High Stick, Shakespeare
FNGs: None
various IC count exercises


Mosey to Braddock Pt stop sign for instructions.

Mailbox Mayhem
Round 1:
3 exercises. Merkins, Heel tap crunches, squats. Sprint to 1st mailbox 25 merkins, sprint to next mailbox 25 crunches, sprint to next mailbox 25 squats. Rinse and repeat stopping at every mailbox (12 total) until reaching cul-de-sac. Then, lunge walk perimeter of cul-de-sac. Air chair for the 6. Mosey back to stop sign.

Round 2:
Carolina dry docks, big boy sit-ups, jump squats. 15 reps at each mail box. Skip in between mailboxes. Lunge walk around cul-de-sac. Air chair for 6. Mosey back to stop sign.

Round 3:
Hand release merkins, heel tap crunches, squats x 10. Only stop at mailboxes on right side of street. Backwards run in between mailboxes. Lunge walk around cul-de-sac. Air chair for 6. Mosey back to stop sign. Do 20 merkins. Mosey back to flag. Do 20 merkins. Done.


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