Q: Runt , Bayou, Ruby, The Beast
PAX: Two Doses, Coin Flip, The Beast, Bayou, Broke Down, Running Rebel, Ruby, Runt, Heisenberg, Bookworm, Serena, Training Wheels, missing two names
FNGs: None
SSH and 1 burpee, squats and 2 burpees, Hillbillies and 3 burpees, squats and 4 burpees, Little baby arm circles
Run to second floor of parking garage.
1:2 ratio. 1 burpee to 2 side straddle hops. Rinse/repeat until 5 burpees and 10 side straddle hops.
Run to third floor of parking garage. 1:2 ratio. 1 jump squat to 2 iron mikes. Rinse/Repeat until 5 jump squats to 10 iron mikes
Run to top floor of parking garage. Each pax used a parking space. Fiddler crab to one side followed by 1 merkin. Fiddler crab to other side followed by 2 merkins. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. Mixed in were 2 rounds of 6 inch hold.
THANG 2 Garage Roof Top 4 Corners.
Lt Dan. 2 lunges then 1 squat. Rinse and repeat until 2 lunges and 5 squats. Mosey to next corner.
Corner to corner bear crawl.
Rinse and repeat Lt. Dan.
Corner to corner crab walk.
Mosey down to 1st level of parking garage.
THANG 3 Bottom of Hill
Lunge walk. 15 steps per leg.
Monkey Humpers
Side lunge 20 steps to right then side lunge 20 steps to left.
COT: Fill in Bayou