Lexington, SC

F3 Lexington Backblasts

Another stupid idea

15 Pax defied cantores and posted to Shawshank despite the sub-freezing temperatures. The difference in warmth of the fartsack in comparison to the AO was a good 50 degrees depending on the amount of methane present in said sack. These are the mornings that #warstories are made for. To top it off YHC had a …

Another stupid ideaRead More »

Chasing the Six

On a bitterly cold morning, four hearty souls came together to take on Lexington’s newest AMRAP monstrosity – The Gladiator. All four men stayed together and pushed one other for the entire time (except for when we were chasing Quest who has previously stated that he would be the six today because he wasn’t feeling …

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Leg Dayeeeeee

It was a fine morning – a welcome break from the cold. No better day to gather together with my brothers and enjoy a little work for our own betterment. Weather: Mid 50s with a light mist Disclaimer/Prayer The Thang: Mosey around the lot a bit, COP on the field next to the lot. All …

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