• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Leg day at Thunder

AO: thunder
Q: Snowflake
PAX: Quaker, Bucket Truck, Huffy, Fallout, Insanity, Snowflake, SweetTart, SmokeScreen, Spot, Dog-Faced Gremlin, CESS, Oscar, Bezos, DriveBy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: the all-new Pinocchio
THE THANG: crisscrossing the field by lunging, bear crawling, broad jumping and the like. Good leg stuff.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cold Brew Half and Christmas party this weekend.
COT: sister of Driveby broken ankle bones, friend of Fallout’s son, Leukemia again, Sydney and Lovechild’s family, Lobstah workplace dramas, thanks lifted for these great friends to workout and hang with!!

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