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12 Planks of Christmas

AO: sawmill
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Cheesesteak, Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Goodspeed
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Typical exercises.
THE THANG: With the help of Dry Erase Board of Pain and a Tabatta Timer of Terror, Pax did TWO sets of each plank focused exercise. 45 seconds on/15 seconds off. Or as Flapper stated “The classic 3:1 ratio”. After two types of exercises, a lap around the building.
1 Plank-jacks
2 MC
3 Knalp’s
4 Bearcrawl Ring of Fire
5 Schankies
6 Plank Fonda
7 Dirty Hookup
8 Floyd Mayweather
9 Manmaker Plank
10 Mike Tyson Planks
11 Railroad Tracks
12 Compass Planks.
Devo Matthew 1:19 (KJV) says Joseph being a JUST MAN. He didn’t fly off the handle, he didn’t humiliate Mary, he was going to divorce her quietly. Saving her from certain death. Not only did God choose Mary, he chose Joseph. Chose him to raise the most important person in the world. We are tasked to do the same thing with our children, with our wives, and our community. God is chosen us. Let us be a just man, and not just a man.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Run with Rotary 5k & Half. This is our turf. Let’s defend it. Double down opportunity!!
COT:Prayers we be be more like Joseph and ultimately more like Jesus. Prayers for a successful run for Gepetto downtown.

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