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Answer The Call

AO: sandlot
Q: Runt
PAX: Bayou, Coin Flip, Running Rebel, Two Doses, Broke Down, Ruby
FNGs: None

First and 10. Side straddle hope in cadence. Run 100 yrs back to 10 yard line. Side straddle hope in cadence. Run 90 yards and run back to 20 yd line. Side straddle hop. Run 80 yds and run back to 30 yd line. Rinse and repeat until you get until you get down to the opposite goal line.

1:4 BBSU to freedom twists
1 BBSU4 twists
2 BBSU 8 twists
Rinse and repeat until 10 BBSU and 40 twists

5 Rounds of bleacher bunny hops

Uphill crawl bear

Bring Sally Up
Leg raise on Bring Sally Up. Hold six inches on Bring Sally Down.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: no Xmas Day workout. Resume 12/26 at Spring Valley High School 6:00 am.

COT: Courage is Calling – excerpt from book by Ryan Holiday.

There is nothing we prize more than courage yet nothing is in shorter supply.

Courage calls us differently, at different times, in different forms.

We are called to rise above our fear and cowardice.
We are called to bravery, over the elements, over the odds, over our limitations.
We are called to heroism, perhaps for only just a single magnificent moment, to do something for someone other than ourselves.

Whatever call you are hearing right now, what matters is that you answer.

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