• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

0500 Escort

AO: amble
Q: Quaker
PAX: Lobstah, Fallout, Oscar, Bucket Truck, Betamax, Nails
FNGs: None
WARMUP: None or warm up with 0500. Discuss the route.
THE THANG: Run with 0500 and drop them off at Dreher before the final loop around Epworth via Millwood and Maple – footpathapp.com/routes/amble-0500-escort/8c841c6c-5390-4158-b814-342e860f61ca
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
– Dawnstrike 10 Year Saturday 0600 at Dreher
– Legion Day Tomorrow at Hampton Park 0515
COT: We prayed.

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