• When: 2024-05-14
  • QIC: Shades of Grey
  • The PAX: Garth (respect), Bulldog (respect), Kendoll, Lego, Shortage, Coon Dog, Hash & Rice, Blue Rhino, Duff, Cheers, Mungo (war baby), Alter Boy, Ranger (respect, respect - war daddy), Rebar, Skeeter, Spackle (respect, respect), Hopper (respect), Double Fault (respect), Voltron (respect), Revere, Soaker (respect), Shades of Grey

Shawshank’s 10 year anniversary

It was Shawshank’s 10 year anniversary & keeping with the theme in F3 Lexington the last 2 weeks with The Gauntlet, YHC decided that there was no better way to celebrate than with an AMRAP WO. Thanks to Bulldog for the time keeping capabilities and the amazing Def Leppard/Van Halen (Sammy only) playlist. Thank you also to the Pax from other AO’s that came out to help us celebrate.


Conditions 64 degrees

1 minute warning, disclaimer & prayer

Mosey to the parking lot by the second island 

COT: SSH x 10 IC, LBAC 10 forward IC, 10 reverse IC, TTT 10 IC

Mosey back to the shelter

AMRAP 5 rounds, 3 different exercises each round at 10 reps, each round 9 minutes w/ a lap around the small island.

Round 1:

10 Burpees

10 Incline Merkins

10 Dips

Lap around the island – rinse & repeat for 9 minutes

Round 2:


10 Iron Crosses

10 V ups

Lap around the island – rinse & repeat for 9 minutes

Round 3:

10 Squats

10 Calf raises

10 box jumps

Lap around the island – rinse & repeat for 9 minutes

Round 4: 

10 – 2 count flutter kicks

10 – 2 count Freddie Mercury’s

10 – 2 count Heel Taps

Lap around the island – rinse & repeat for 9 minutes

Round 5: 

10 – 2 count Mountain Climbers

10- 2 count Plank Jacks

10 – 2 count Shoulder Taps

Lap around the island – rinse & repeat for 9 



Anchor Anniversary Wednesday 5/15/24

Jail Break Wednesday

Prayer Request

Double Faults friend Michelle

Harmon Family

Cheers M Ashley w/ upcoming surgeries

Cancer patients

Breaker Breaker



Getting Rid of God

1 Samuel 5: 1-3 – After the Philistine captured the Ark of God, they took it from the battleground at Ebenezer to the town of Ashdod. They carried the Ark of God into the temple of Dagon and placed it beside an idol of Dagon. But when the citizens of Ashdod went to see in the next morning, Dagon had fallen with his face to the ground in front of the Ark of the Lord! So they too Dagon and put him in his place again.


The Philistine soldiers assumed they had prevailed over the Israelite forces because their god Dagon had proven superior to Yahweh. So they placed the Ark of the Covenant, which represented Yahweh himself, next to the statue of Dagon as one of his worshipers. But the next morning when they came to Dagon’s temple, the idol was facedown before the Ark, apparently bowing before it. So what did the Philistines do? They propped Dagon back up. But that didn’t work either. They next morning Dagon was facedown again. But this time his head and hands had been broken off.

The Philistines had the presence of God in their midst exposing the impotence of their false goad. So did they get rid of their false god to worship the one true God? “The rulers discussed it and replied, ‘Move it to the town of Gath (1 Samuel 5:8). They went to great lengths to keep their sin and get rid of God.

It is a grace from God when he exposes the powerlessness of out idols. It doesn’t feel like grace; it feels like conviction of even loss. We find ourselves grasping and desperate. But then we have a choice. We can turn away from whatever we’re looking to for significance and security and turn instead tward God to meet our needs. Or we can keep trying to prop up our idol, giving it another chance to satisfy us. We can do everything in our power to rid God from our lives – of at least some parts of them – or we can invite God to have his way in the whole of our lives


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