• When: 2024-06-11
  • QIC: BunkBed
  • The PAX: Coon Dog, Shades of Grey, Mungo, Lego, Shine, Revere

So many loops, so many hips, so many arm circles

AO: Shawshank
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Coon Dog, Shades of Grey, Mungo, Lego, Shine, Revere
FNGs: None
Glad to give another Q at the Shank! And man, you’ve gotta sign up to Q here a year in advance! A sure sign that this AO is filled with #HIMS

CONDITIONS: Not too cold, not too hot, just right

A confusing route where we ran around in the Derrick-Walker-Thompson-Grey streets. We all made it….I think….. Poor Revere took a tumble. 🙁 But he did fall in style!

On the run we learned it was Revere’s anniversary, that Shine’s cousin doesn’t understand a thumbs up on a text message, that Duff is bitter about Clemson baseball and that YHC sometimes gives faulty location descriptions.

– The Motivator X5 IC
– SOG said he felt like he was in a Jane Fonda video after this one…little did he know!
– TTT X10 IC
– Coon Dog said I wouldn’t do 50 of these. He was right
– 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 LBCs OYO
– Jane Fonda and Fane Jonda each side
– Up-Down, CW and CCW X10 IC
– At this point everyone thought all we were going to do all morning was warm-up/were a bit bitter after doing this post the run. Some questioned what category the workout belonged in on strava.
Mosey to the shawshank track and do 4 corners as a group.
– 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs OYO hold 6 in for the 6
– Do this loop twice to get everyone to 100 reps of each
– 25 Lt. Mike
– Got some big eyes on this one
– 50 No Cheat Merkins
– 100 Gas Pumps
– YHC learned that the shawshank version of the Gas Pump is what he refers to as an In-N-Out
Mosey back to the flag
Low plank
London Bridges/Teddy Rolls/J Los
– Revere showed off his dance moves on this one!
Arm Circle Song to finish the job! Several PAX first time hearing this!

Today’s playlist features songs the PAX knew, didn’t know, probably thought were weird and got them dancing!

– Midlands Tour
– Man morning with urban_legend and Lexington Baptist Church this Friday 06-14-2024
– Future 3rd F event that will be Nation wide!
– Sarah Harmon
– CD’s brother’s marriage
– Cheer’s wife
– YHC’s friend Ahmed and his family
Proverbs 11:2
Thank you to Shine, Lego and everyone else who gave their thoughts on the verses.

Whenever we are seeking God and we become proud he will humble us. Remember, life is not about us! It’s never about us. Live #3rd

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