• When: 08/15/15
  • QIC: Hee-Haw
  • The PAX: Anyone who wants to get better

Update: Little Mountain Half-Marathon

We are just a few days away from this event, and it should be a good one. Couple of updates.

First, after extensive course review (YHC went and drove it once) the course has been over-hauled. Here is a link to the Course on Strava.

Don’t worry, we will have signs out to mark the turns. This new course takes a more remote route, has fewer turns, and avoids two blind curves on Mountain Street. Plus, it actually resulted in more elevation gain, and an official Strava segment in the last mile. Win-Win-Win.

Second, there will be two water stations on the course. Since this is an Out-and-Back set up, those two stations will result in four opportunities for you to get a drink. With that said you should take responsibility for your own hydration and fueling. It will likely be hot, so plan accordingly.

Third, the Wired Goat is actually moving to a new location…on Friday night. Good news is it appears we will have ample parking at their old location. Bad news is you will have to go about 300 yards further to coffeeteria afterwards. The starting point will be at the Wired Goat’s current location.

START at 246 Columbia Ave, Chapin, SC 29036. See map

Coffeeteria will be at the new location, which is 908 Chapin Road, Chapin, SC 29036. That’s the corner of Chapin Road (aka US-76) and Weisz Street. See map

Fourth, the course is now right at 13.1 miles. At the top of Little Mountain is Tower Road. Tower Road is gated off to the Left, so we cannot go that way. Bad news is that cut off a little distance, good news is it did not effect elevation gain. If Strava is off versus your GPS watch, feel free to take a lap or two around the Wired Goat parking lot. As for YHC, if Strava says its a Half-Marathon, then that’s good enough for me.

Lastly, there is a carpool / caravan leaving from the Woodshed AO at 5:00 am. If any of you other crazy, CSAUP loving fools wanna carpool, that would probably be a good idea.

Questions or concerns…hit me up at [email protected] or on Twitter at @F3HeeHaw

That’s all…for now

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