• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

SweetTart’s Bricks

AO: thunder
Q: SweetTart
PAX: Lobstah, Insanity, Spot, Oscar, Phlegm, Betamax, Bucket Truck
FNGs: None
Thunder wanted to Thunder even if it was Legion day. 8 Pax met in the gloom ready for whatever YHC had cooked up.

We began by saying farewell to Phlegm who is rucking away an injury. About halfway through our warmup Lobstah and Beta decided to grace us with their presence.

YHC promised we would take it easy, which may have meant something different to each of us. Anyway we hit the Bricks and smashed the workout then let Oscar stretch us out to wrap things up. As always there’s alot of shoulders at Thunder. Details below.

Merkin count 250

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Through the tunnel, LBAC

Mosey to corner

Merkins, LBCs, and Hip Thrusts in cadence

Mosey to park, get bricks

Pax picked ampitheater first, at ampitheater:
Rows in cadence x 10
10 merkins
Iron Cross bricks overhead oyo x 10
10 merkins
Colt 45 curls oyo
10 merkins
Tricep press in cadence x 10
10 merkins

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Move to field

5 rounds of 16 run length of field between rounds
Thrusters and Merkins on bricks

Lunge across field to return bricks

Mosey to corner calf raises, toes in, toes out, and toes straight.

Mosey to AO

20 merkins so we can get to 250

4 minutes of plank series


:alert:​​​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​​​ : 10 years anniversary this Saturday Florence and Dawnstrike, memorial day convergence

COT: too many men’s lives cut short by suicide, reach out and check on someone.

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