• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Queen Street- Dandy Dozen

AO: thunder
Q: Dog-Faced Gremlin
PAX: Oscar, Phlegm, Insanity, Costanza, Bucket Truck, Adrian, Strudel, Spot, Huffy (CBHM Masters Champ), DriveBy, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Bezos, Lex Ames, Ronda, Fallout, SweetTart
FNGs: None
SSH-IC x 15
TTT-IC x 15
LBA-IC x 15, Reverse x 15
Joel Osteens-IC x 15
Imp. Walkers-IC x 15
Stretching- OYO
Lap around Track,..
Mosey to Queen St
Merkins x 5 Bottom Hill- OYO- each time

Run to Top Hill- OYO
Jump Squats x 20
Flutter Kicks x 20/ 4ct
LBC’s x 20/4ct
Donkey Kicks x 20
Wide arm MERKIN x 20
American Hammer x 40
Box Cutter x 20
Peter Parkers x 20
Big Boys- x 20
Shoulder Taps- x 40
Bonnie Blairs- x 20
Freddie Mercury- x 20

Run Hill- No Less than x 2 Backwards, x 2 Skip, x 2 Carioca
Finish- Mosey back to COT

Focus on FNG’s
Safe Travels for the daughters of Bucket Truck and Drive By

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