• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

No Thunder at Thunder

AO: thunder
Q: Quaker
PAX: Bucket Truck, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Phlegm, Oscar, Insanity, SweetTart, Fallout, Spot
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 25x SSH, 15x TTT, 10 Burpees, 15x Arm Circles Forward and Reverse, 15x RTR, 15x Overhead Clap, 15x Moroccan Night Club, 25x Merkins, 10x LBCs, 15x Imperial Squat Walkers, 10x Burpees

THE THANG: Mosey to the basketball court and light up on the right side for suicide drills:
– Bear crawl out, 10x iron cross and crawl bear back, 25x merkins
– Lunge walk out, 10x iron cross and reverse lunge walk back, 25x merkins
– Burpee broad jump (10ish burpees total out and back)
– Carioca out, 10x iron cross and carioca back, 25x dry docks (counting as merkins)
– Mosey lap around the basketball court and back to spots
– Bear crawl out, 10x iron cross and crawl bear back, 25x LBCs
– Lunge walk out, 10x iron cross and reverse lunge walk back, 25x LBCs
– Carioca out, 10x iron cross and carioca back, 25x LBCs
– Burpee lunge walk (10ish burpees total out and back)
Mosey to picnic tables:
– 15x incline merkins, 15x dips
– 10x incline merkins, 10x dips
– 5x incline merkins, 5x dips
Mosey around the parking lot loop to the school wall:
– 3 sets of wall sits 45ish secs
– 10x Burpees
Mosey to COT for Mary:
– Spell the alphabet with leg lifts
– 10x Burpees
– 15x Freddie Mercury
– 15x Hello Dolly
– Ring of Fire (1 time around 5 merkins each)

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Dawnstrike 10 year Saturday

COT: Lord’s Prayer

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