• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Blocks need hugs too!

AO: the_castle
Q: Turncoat
PAX: Fergie, Kamikaze, Katniss, Mimosa, Selfie, TOY, Wham, Gomer
FNGs: None
SSH, Through the tunnel, little baby arm circles, Joel Osteens, Downward dog and calf stretch, plank walk out
Grab a coupon and Cusack to the first cul de sac. Then 20 goblet squats, 20 curls and 20 overhead presses. Then right arm shoulder carry coupon to next cul de sac. Repeat 20 – 20 – 20. Then left arm shoulder carry to guard shack and 20 – 20 – 20. Leave coupons and run out to Ft Jackson and back. Then start a new 20-20-20. Mountain Climbers on Steroids, Merkins, LBCs. PAX pair up and between cul de sacs take turns farmer carrying both blocks.
This x 3.

Then put coupons down and Bernie Sanders up the hill and mosey back down.

Put blocks away and back to AOQ.

10 burpees
5 Plank walk outs
Downward dog
Stretches on six (hurdlers, knee hug, knees drop side to side, butterfly stretch)
Lunch next Friday (December 8)

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