AO: dawnstrike
Q: Big Worm
PAX: Poutine, Oscar, Spot, Snowflake
FNGs: None
WARMUP: frankensteins, active arm stretching, SSH, merkins, burpees, ab work, squats
THE THANG: pax mosey from the Devine and Ott intersection all the way to the old Harper’s parking lot. Then up the side street to the bottom of Lee street. Indian run all the way to the intersection of Woodrow and Lee, with some burpees be for passing mixed in. Pain station, then down Woodrow to Devine, up Devine back to COT.
Q: Big Worm
PAX: Poutine, Oscar, Spot, Snowflake
FNGs: None
WARMUP: frankensteins, active arm stretching, SSH, merkins, burpees, ab work, squats
THE THANG: pax mosey from the Devine and Ott intersection all the way to the old Harper’s parking lot. Then up the side street to the bottom of Lee street. Indian run all the way to the intersection of Woodrow and Lee, with some burpees be for passing mixed in. Pain station, then down Woodrow to Devine, up Devine back to COT.
About 8 or so pain stations during this running. The pain stations featured burpees, Freddie mercuries, iron crosses, heel tap LBCs, and lunges. We also did sets of five merkins with 10 mountain climbers after each merkin. This particular rep scheme was done 4 different times.
Totals came out to about 500- 600 ab reps and close to 3 miles of running.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming runs and holiday parties
COT: strength to overcome adversity