• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

One step at a time, and no one left behind

AO: the_mission
Q: Spot
PAX: Spot, Bayou, Serena, Bookworm, Ruby, Sherwin, Lucky, Slash, Running Rebel, Hawk, Heisenberg, Training Wheels, The Beast
FNGs: None

SSH x 10
Merkins x 3

Rinse and Repeat 2 more times

Mosey to hill


Lunge walk a third of the way up the hill
Mosey to the top
5 Merkins
Mosey down

Lunge walk two thirds the way up the hill
Mosey to the top
10 Merkins
Mosey down

Lunge walk to the top of the hill
15 merkins
Mosey down

8 minutes of Mary (dealer’s choice)

Mosey to COT

Slow fast Iron Cross x 10
Slow Fast Squats x 10
Slow fast Merkins x 10

Shoulder work
Slow Little baby arm circles x 10
Slow backward little baby arm circles x 10
Slow raise the roof x 10
Slow Chinooks x 10
Slow Seal claps x 10

Dealer’s choice of Ab and leg work


The Mission will not meet at Memorial Park on March 23.


Everyone pushed hard today. Lunging up the hill was no joke. The hill as a metaphor for life: taking one step at a time. We never left anyone behind. How important it was today to be together, and tomorrow for us to be there for each other.

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