• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

Sled’s Return

AO: score
Q: Nails
PAX: Crawlspace, OBC, RayCharles, Sled
FNGs: None
WARMUP: No surprises here. SSH, Imperials, stretching, homage to OBC with some happiness!
THE THANG: In theme with Nails’ advice from his Physical Therapist, everything done slowly and deliberately. Apparently this is a standard for people in their 70’s. Brought out lots of chatter even though reps were reasonable. I think most were still sore from Tuesday with Silent Bob. Even Ray Charles was moving slow! Neighborhood tour with pain stations at the Animal Hospital, then the wall, then to the sandbox, up to the stop sign and then a return trip. It was great to have Sled back in the fold. He made sure there was no modification’s of the Star Gazers. Good workout Nails!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today is Thursday!
COT: Nails prayed us out and then treated us to some Starbucks. 100% participation at Coffee! Thanks Nails!

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