• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Burpee, Rinse and Repeat

AO: score
Q: Love Bug
PAX: Ball Boy, OBC, Nails, Spool, Prenup, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Typical with the addition of Happy Hillbillies. Lumen missed it!
THE THANG:Grabbed bricks and headed over to the big island for multiple half laps and a handful of exercises at each half including Burpees, Curls, OHP, In and Out Arm Flutters, Tri’s, squats, Bonnie Blair’s, Jump Squats, Wall sits and 20/20/20. Did some abdominal work as well.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : If you have flexibility and can help an 80 year old man who had keys taken away get around town, contact Nails. I think he will pay!
COT: Love Bug reminded us to be in conversation with our teenagers about the world and it’s dangers, especially sexting and extortion. He also reminded us about keeping tabs on our health. Let’s not ignore signs! Stay diligent! 57% participation at coffee provided by Prenup! Thanks Prenup!

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