Q: Bayou
PAX: CESS, Ruby, Spot, Runt, Broke Down, Bayou, SweetTart, Two Gloves, Running Rebel, Misfire
FNGs: None
Static Warm-Up
5 Banded Good Mornings
5 Banded Inch Worms
Downward Dog
Cobra Stretch
Child’s Pose
Scorpion Right
Scorpion Left
Roll Over on Your Back
Supine Spinal Twist R
Supine Spinal Twist L
Happy Baby Pose
Right Knee to Chest
Left Knee to Cheat
Sit Up
Stand Up Slowly
Dynamic Warm-Up Acceleration
SSH x 10 + 1/4 Suicide + 3 Burpees
IW’s x 10 + 1/2 Suicide + 3 Burpees
TTT x 10 + 3/4 Suicide + 12 Burpees
LBAC x 10 + Full Suicide + 3 Burpees
Thang #1 – Chest/Triceps Focus x 4 Rds
9 DB 30 Degree Bench Press
9 DB 30 Degree Flys
9 DB 30 Degree Squeeze Press
9 DB 30 Degree Pullovers
Bear Crawl Plate Pushes
Thang #2 – EMOM Attitude Adjustment
Minute 1 – 4 Burpees + 2 Ball Slams
Minute 2 – 6 Burpees + 3 Ball Slams
Minute 3 – 8 Burpees + 4 Ball Slams
Minute 4 – 10 Burpees + 5 Ball Slams
Minute 5 – Rest
133 Total Burpees
Mary – 20:10 Tabata
Bull Convergence Monday – 6:00am
Valhalla No Hope Hill Monday – 6:30am
Tom Tom Foolery – February
“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another…. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being, I tell you of them.”
Isaiah 42:8-9 (NIV)
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Isn’t it comforting that no matter what happens over the next few days, months, or years, God is already there? He is not bound by space and time. He creates reality with his powerful words. While some may tremble with fear because of the unknown, Christians can take comfort in knowing that wherever and whenever we find ourselves, our Father in heaven — the great I Am, the One who is and was and is to come — is there already. He is already working on our deliverance and salvation. Even now, he is declaring new things about our future that we cannot see. So, as we journey into our unknown future, let’s make sure we journey with the One to whom the future is not unknown.
Our Prayer…
Thank you, Father! You know where my life and my world are headed. With so much tumult about the changing of the year and the passing of time, I consciously and confidently trust that my future is in your hands. There is no other place I would rather my future be! Please bless me with confidence and banish anxiety from my heart as your future unfolds before me. All glory to you, O Lord God Almighty! I praise and thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.