• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Simple but effective! Pick your poison

AO: hammer
Q: Hawg
PAX: Darlene, Collar, Bindi, Ratatouille, Pinkman, Zima
FNGs: None
TTT IC Wait on Collar
Mosey around the baseball field to block pile.
Grab a cinder block and go to tennis courts.
5 rounds of 5 exercises for 1 minute
1st Press Jack w/ block or high knees w/ block
2nd Chest press w/ block or decline merkin on block
3rd Leg press w/ block or glute bridge w/ block
4th Side raise each side 30 sec.
5th Flutter kicks or scissor or iron cross

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check slack
COT: Pray for Pinkman’s Mom w/ diverticulitis flare up and M’s Aunt who passed away.

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