• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Thunder Track Team

AO: thunder
Q: Fallout
PAX: Lobstah, Snowflake, Oscar, Kielbasa, Spot, Insanity, Bucket Truck, Phlegm, Fallout, Jabberwocky
FNGs: None
SH, IC, 30
25 merkins
Thru the tunnel
25 squats
Imperial walkers
Take a Lap


2 rounds:
Sprint straights, walk curve

Weights/bricks (3 groups)
Step ups (x25)
Split squats (x25)

Overhead press (x50)
Curls (x50)
Overhead March (x25)

Farmers carry (100m) (right)
Farmers Carry (100m) (left)

Track Dora, three partners, one runs, one does set number of exercise, other does hollow hold. Those two swap until first runner gets back. 150 burpees (sets of 10)

CCBH next Saturday
Christmas Party next Sunday

Lobstah’s job and coworkers

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