• When: 2023-12-07
  • QIC: Harper Valley
  • The PAX: 16


It was an honor to lead this morning.  It was very cold and the tennis courts did keep us moving. I must confess that I have taken 2 showers this morning with hopes of getting warm.  Here is a brief back blast of the workout.

Press w Block X12
Elf on the Shelf X12
Arm Curls X 12
Rows X 12
Lumber Jacks X 12

Run to Flag, Salute Flag, 7x Burpees

Heavy Freddie Mercury X 12
American Hammers X 12
Rocky Balboa X 12 L=1 R=1
Big Boy Situps X 12
One Calls X 12 = 8 count Merkins
Remember Kettle Bombs X 12

Run to Flag, Salute Flag, 7 Burpees

Tennis Courts
The Thang: Pearl Harbor workout with a 12-7-41 theme. 12, rounds of 7 Bobby Hurly and 41 stationary exercises.
Round 1: 7 bobby hurley, 41 merkins
Round 2: 7 bobby hurley, 41 LBCs
Round 3: 7 bobby hurley, 41 squats
Round 4: 7 bobby hurley, 41 flutter kicks
Round 5: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Big Boys
Round 6: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Iron Crosses
Round 7: 7 bobby hurley, 41 SSH
Round 8: 7 bobby hurley, 41 American Hammers
Round 9: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Dollys
Round 10: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Carolina Dry Docks
Round 11: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Freddy Mercuries
Round 12: 7 bobby hurley, 41 Bombs


Press w Block X12
Elf on the Shelf X12
Arm Curls X 12
Rows X 12
Lumber Jacks X 12
Heavy Freddie Mercury X 12
American Hammers X 12
Rocky Balboa X 12 L=1 R=1
Big Boy Situps X 12
One Calls X 12 8 count Merkins
Remember Kettle Bombs X 12

BOM: Flag Salute. Pledge of Allegiance
Count O Rama
Announcements:  Mayplant fell from a truck. Keep him in prayers.  Parade this Saturday, Sac having catered breakfast with full open bar
Closing Prayer:  Thank you Lord for F3 Camden 

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