• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Back to the Future

AO: thunder
Q: Adrian
PAX: Oscar, Spot, Fallout, Lobstah, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Bucket Truck, Adrian
FNGs: None

49 and windy


SSH x 15 IC
Slow-Fast Squat x 15 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Mountain Climber x 10 IC

Mosey to King / Duncan

SSH x 15 IC
Plank Jack x 15 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO

Mosey to Queen / Duncan

SSH x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO

Mosey Across Harden to Waccamaw / Monroe

SSH x 15 IC
Squats x 15 IC

Partner Up for Wheelbarrow

Partner Wheelbarrow 20 yards, flapjack

Mosey to Heyward Street Hill for Jacob’s Ladder

Run to Stop Sign on Edisto, 7 burpees, back down to Waccamaw / Heyward

Nothing at bottom

Back to top for 6 burpees … repeat all the way down to 1 burpee

Flutter Kicks IC waiting on the Six

Props to DFG for the near #larrybird on YHC

Mosey Across Harden

SSH x 15 IC
Squats x 10 IC

Mosey to Heyward Street UMC for #dirtymcdeuce

4 sets of 3 exercises, all 12 reps IC, no rest between exercises, short rest between sets

Merkins / Mountian Climber / LBC
Wide-Arm Merkins / Plank Jack / Freddie Mercury
Slow-Fast Merkins / Russian Twist / Chaser LBC
Merkins / Mountain Climber / Spot LBC

Mosey to Heyward / S King

SSH x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

Mosey to S King / Monroe

SSH x 10 IC
Calf raises x 15 IC
Bonnie Blairs 10 each leg

Jailbreak back to Flag

Announcements: Dam to Dam; let’s get some guys back out that have been missing

Nice work by all!

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